Doujinshi | Yaoi Hentai | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#95481 - Wanda waddled into the kitchen with a tray full of dirty dishes while thinking about how tired she was all the time now, and she still had two months to go before she was due! She felt like a fat cow, after gaining thirty pounds during this her first pregnancy, and while she was usually a svelte 125 pounds, her tits had turned into mini Goodyear blimps, and her belly looked like she was stealing a water melon from a fruit stand while hiding it under her dress! No wonder Dave had seemed to lose interest in sex!!! When she looked into the mirror she appeared to be anything but desirable, and to top it all off, her nipples had begun to leak milk, leaving her dresses and blouses stained and wet. He jumped a little, but didn't make a move to escape her soft caress, and after standing up, she leaned her breast forward towards his now gaping mouth.

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