Spanking Secret Love Song - Fire emblem if | fire emblem fates Casada
(刻印の誇り10) [たろうまるん (たろうまる)] シークレットラブソング (ファイアーエムブレムif)
#369096 - Lorne Ascott pulled his coat tight around his body before stepping from the lobby of his downtown Chicago office building into the cold December winds that whipped unmercifully off of Lake Michigan! As usual the limo was idling silently at the curb, and when Charles, his chauffeur of fifteen years spied him coming through the revolving door, he quickly hopped out of his driver’s seat and opened the rear door to allow his boss easy entrance into the luxurious car while he said evenly, “Thank you, Charles, let’s head out to the farm, I’m taking tomorrow off!!!” “Very good, sir,” he replied while firmly closing the door and hurrying around to retake the controls and pull smoothly into the late rush hour traffic! Lorne was dead tired from the long day of running his own import/export firm, so what he needed now was a drink to calm his nerves, and with a slight smile crossing his face, he was secretly delighted when Tim, his eighteen year old male attendant offered, “Would you like somethin
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